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GOP war on women’s reproductive rights: From a national ban to the absurdity equating women to cows

GOP war on women’s reproductive rights: From a national ban to the absurdity equating women to cows

The continued attack on women’s reproductive rights is in full vogue as Republicans move to a national ban. Absurd is Idaho Republican state representative Jack Nelsen equating women to cows.

GOP War on Women’s reproductive rights

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As Nicolle Wallace said, the Roe v. Wade decision emboldens Republicans. It is not enough to leave it to the states. They want an outright nationwide ban on abortions.

Wallace points out that state legislatures are moving to restrict abortion access further.

An Idaho legislator, Republican state representative Jack Nelsen made the most stupid statement that should upset every human being, women specifically. The lawmaker told the legislature that his background in livestock makes him a women’s health expert launched.

“I’ve milked a few cows,” the legislator said. “I spend most of my time walking behind lines of cows. If you want some ideas on repro and the women’s health thing, I have some definite opinions.”

Yes, he said that. He is not the exception in the governing Republican Party. Nicolle gets it right.

“Republicans,” said Nicolle Wallace, the host, and former Republican operative.” That is who they are.”

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