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The Republican Party is dead. They don’t know it yet. Dowd explains they’re the know-nothing party

The Republican Party is dead. They don't know it yet. Dowd explains they're the know-nothing party

The Republican Party is dead. They don't know it yet. Dowd explains they're the know-nothing party

MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace articulated the inconvenient truth that the Republican Party is dead. Matthew Dowd broke down exactly why and how they got there.

Yes! The Republican Party is dead.

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Nicolle Wallace was not shy in telling Americans the inconvenient truth.

“The Republican Party died,” Nicolle Wallace said. “And they may not know they’re dead, but it’s like the little boy in the Sixth Sense. They’re walking around; they’re dead. They just don’t know it. And they died not because Donald Trump killed her. But because Mitch McConnell and Rob Portman and Richard Burr and all those people said and did nothing. They watched him talk about good people on both sides at a KKK rally. They saw him talk about grabbing women between the legs, and they didn’t withdraw their endorsements, and they refused to go to the White House when they had legislation and common interests. They didn’t refuse to endorse him for a second term. Most of them voted for him again after he’d already been talking about a rigged election and was running for a second term that they knew was a calamity.”

Matthew Dowd then chimed in with a long soliloquy. But he nailed a critical point.

“The old Republican Party died, but what’s surfaced now is a new version of the No nothing party,” Matthew Dowd said. “And it has very strong emotional appeals to various segments of our society. And we can’t overlook that or deny that, especially among especially among, unfortunately, white working-class voters in this country and citizens in this country.”

Dowd went on to provide the poison that governed the behavior of those in a sect of the Republican Party.

“We are at this precipice today, unlike where we’ve been in our country’s history,” Dowd continued. “I’d think about it this way for 200 years. The American narrative was just defined by one culture, right? For over 200 years. It was defined by one culture.  It left some people out. America is defined by one culture. And that culture was white, male, Christian, and heterosexual,  And those people that held that demographic held 95% of the power in our country for 200 years. And so what we’re seeing today is Ron DeSantis represents this fear that is placed in a minority of America, a sizable minority, that that culture is gone. That culture as the dominant culture of America no longer exists, and what they’re struggling with today is they think there needs to be culture linked with democracy.”

Dowd went on to make the case that Ron DeSantis and those who believe like him are weak. He then pointed out how Republicans simply project as they are anathema to all the things they claim to support. They claim to support freedom, life, and the constitution, and their actions on the vaccine, gun, and women’s reproductive rights, and January 6th proves the converse.

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