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Biden gives the appropriate Trump-like answer on blame for inflation on his Jobs Report victory lap.

Watch Biden give the appropriate Trump-like answer on blame for inflation.

As President Biden was taking his Jobs Report victory lap as his economy created 517,000 new jobs, more than double the forecast, a reporter asked an out-of-place question on inflation.

Joe Biden on Jobs Report and inflation

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Given all the forecasts of #recession, doom and gloom, and runaway inflation, January’s Jobs Report was a huge vindication for President Biden. But a reporter was intent on placating the Right-Wing when he asked President Biden if he was responsible for inflation.

Biden’s answer was Trump-like, with proper grammar. He did not waste time on details as Democrats too often do. He was succinct. He was not the cause of inflation. He fixed the economy.

“Do you take any blame,” a reporter asked. “For inflation, Mr. President.”

“No,” the President responded.

“Why not,” the reporter asked.

“Because it was already there when I got here, man,” the President responded. “Remember what the economy was like when I got here? Jobs were hemorraging. Inflation was rising. We weren’t manufacturing a damn thing here. We were in real economic difficulty. That’s why I don’t.”

Even as Biden’s answer was short and concise without micro-explanations, IMHO, there was one part missing, the attack.  It must come immediately after the dismissal.

Biden should have blamed inflation on the corporate executives. It is they who outsourced American jobs as they manufactured overseas. That, combined with just-in-time inventory, created supply chain disruptions which was a component of inflation. But corporate gouging that is evident with record profits makes it clear inflation rests with the ability of corporations to price goods and services inhumanely.

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