The Supreme Court has always put the conservation of the plutocracy first. Moral outcomes are only a byproduct if does not affect said plutocracy in the aggregate. It’s time to reform it.
We must neuter the Supreme Court.
We did not learn about the Supreme Court. We were indoctrinated into a fallacy. The three branches of government are not coequal. The #SupremeCourt is just that, Supreme. This is true, especially when the constructs to correct its behavior are virtually non-functional.
Like the president, to remove from office, a justice of SCOTUS must be impeached by a simple majority in the House of Representatives. The Senate must vote by two-thirds to convict a justice. Only then is he or she removed.
Congress has the power to change the number of justices on the SCOTUS. They’ve done it before.
Impeachment? Please. Expand the courts? Please. We will have to wait for the perfect short period when we can rid ourselves of enough purchased politicians to execute its moral restructuring using both of the methods mentioned above.
If we do not do this, our plutocracy will ultimately govern us through the rulings of the Supreme Court. I explained this in detail in my blog post “Republicans are setting up the courts for minority rule even in a more progressive country.”
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