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Chris Rock used his new Netflix skit Selective Outrage to slam Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith.

Chris Rock used his new Netflix skit Selective Outrage to slam Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith.

I watched Chris Rock on Netflix this morning. It was clear that the Will Smith slap at the Oscars has affected Chris Rock’s comedy.

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He was not as naturally funny as he normally is, IMHO. He went really hard on Jada Pinkett Smith as well, though I think he was harder on her than on Will Smith, which I think opens the door for some sexism concerns. That said, it was Chris Rock who was initially harmed. Chris Rock displayed a great degree of restraint when Smith slapped him.

Rock points out that Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith got on the internet and exposed their entire life but then got upset when he made a simple joke about her hair. The title of the skit was apropos, Selective Outrage. It was Selective Outrage that he went at Rock while not challenging the scores of people who have pointed out how weak Smith is. He said while the slap hurt, he knows it was not nearly as hurtful as the pain Jada caused Smith.

Chris Rock should be commended that on stage, he did not create a brawl that would have made an even bigger spectacle. He credits his upbringing.

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