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CNN’s Dana Bash called out by Michael Cohen’s lawyer for misrepresenting the Trump case

Dana Bash CNN's Dana Bash called out by Michael Cohen's lawyer for misrepresenting the Trump case

The mainstream media often create a narrative and sticks with it at all cost. Michael Cohen’s attorney corrected Dana Bash’s attempt to do that with the Trump case.

Dana Bash called out.

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Lanny Davis, Michael Cohen‘s attorney, did not allow Dana Bash to promote the standard mainstream media narrative that is used by many to criticize New Your DA Alvin Bragg‘s indictment of Donald Trump.

Davis wanted to correct the record from Trump’s attorney, Joe Tacopina, interview where he said that federal prosecutors passed on indicting Trump.

“Let me correct the record and come back to your questions,” Lanny Davis said to Bash. “He just said that the federal prosecutors passed on the case. In fact, they could not prosecute Donald Trump because he was a sitting president.”

That is a fact. But Dana did not want to hear that.

“Yes, they passed when Donald Trump was a sitting president,” Bash replied. “But he hasn’t been a sitting president for more than two years, and they still decided not to prosecute.”

“Well, your ‘they’ is after he got out of the White House, was after 1/6 insurrection,” Davis replied. “The question is whether this Justice Department wanted to spend its energy looking at Donald Trump on this conduct vs. 1/6.”

When Bash asked why they could not do both, Davis pointed out that they could but did not want that act to deny the reality that the prosecutors had already assigned guilt to Trump. He wanted it clear it was not a pass assuming some Trump innocence.

“In fact, they called him Individual 1, and they said he — these are the words of the federal prosecutors,” Davis said. “He’s attacking Michael Cohen. And every Republican is saying that this is a witch-hunt. Let’s just remember the Southern District of New York prosecutors in writing stated that Donald Trump, Individual 1, directed Michael Cohen to pay the illegal hush money. They sent him to jail. So the idea that the federal district prosecutors are being attacked by Republicans for politicizing or weaponizing is forgetting that it was Trump administration federal prosecutors who said it.”

Dana Bash tried her best to change the subject earlier on, and Lanny persisted. He wanted it clear that it was Trump’s Justice Department who said he directed Michael Cohen to commit the illegal act, and if Trump was not the president, he would have been charged and convicted.

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