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Bernie endorses Biden who came out swinging hard for re-election. Texas GOP attack blue cities.

Bernie endorses Biden who came out swinging hard for re-election. Texas GOP attack blue cities.

President Joe Biden officially entered the race. Progressives like Sen. Bernie Sanders & AOC are supporting him.

Biden comes out swinging.

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Biden swings hard for re-election.

President Joe Biden released his re-election video this morning. It was a forward-looking video that reminded Americans that while the Biden administration’s economic accomplishments were vast, freedom continues to be on the ballot. After all, the Republican Party continues its attack on LGBTQ Americans and women’s reproductive rights. The GOP is restricting what Americans can read by banning books. And they are attempting to change history by maligning Critical Race Theory even as they erase the histories of many BIPOCs.

The President continued with a speech he took on the road to union workers at North America’s Building Trades Unions Conference. One must be happy with the energy and the willingness to take it not only to Donald Trump but to the Republican Party’s dereliction of their duty to the country and attack on our freedoms.

Biden ridiculed Trump for his pompous words that resulted in no real accomplishments.

“Roads, bridges, airports, water systems, high-speed Internet, and so much more,” said Joe Biden. “Can you believe we used to have the best infrastructure in the world? We were right at number one. It fell to number 13 in the international ratings. 13 Under my predecessor, infrastructure week became a punch line. On my watch, infrastructure has become a decade headline. A decade.”

Biden even made it clear that business news services pointed out that the Biden economy was delivering what Trump could only talk about with no results. Altogether, the President made it clear that he wanted to complete the job.

I was concerned that Joe Biden was not Progressive enough. The truth is, he isn’t. The man, however, is adaptable. And I prefer an effective moderate that finds ways to accomplish Progressive policies over a progressive that allows that only waits for the perfect that never comes.


Bernie Endorses Biden

Bernie Sanders is doing the right thing. While there are many policies that President Biden was not sufficiently Progressive on or supportive of, he turned out to be much more Progressive than anyone of us could have hoped for, given the policies he supported and made into law. The AP reported the following.

NEW YORK (AP) — Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont said Tuesday that he would forgo another presidential bid of his own and instead endorse President Joe Biden’s reelection.

The leading progressive, who was Biden’s chief rival in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary, told The Associated Press that he would “do everything I can to see the president is reelected.”

“The last thing this country needs is a Donald Trump or some other right-wing demagogue who is going to try to undermine American democracy or take away a woman’s right to choose, or not address the crisis of gun violence, or racism, sexism or homophobia,” Sanders said in an interview. “So, I’m in to do what I can to make sure that the president is reelected.”

Biden on Tuesday announced his decision to seek a second term, even as polls suggest that voters in both parties don’t want him to run again. The Democratic president will face the winner of the crowded Republican primary, which features former President Donald Trump and a half dozen lower-profile conservatives.

For much of the year, Sanders had left open the possibility of running again himself. On Tuesday, he said that he would not run and he discouraged any another high-profile progressive candidates from doing so either.

Bernie is doing the responsible thing in this existential time when fascists are knocking at the door.

Texas GOP attack on blue cities.

The Republicans continue to encroach on our freedoms. Now they are after blue cities. The Texas Tribune reported the following.

In a major escalation of Republicans’ efforts to weaken the state’s bluer cities and counties, lawmakers in the Texas Legislature are advancing a pair of bills that would seize control of local regulations that could range from worker protections to water restrictions during droughts.

A bill backed by Gov. Greg Abbott and business lobbying groups, House Bill 2127, would bar cities and counties from passing regulations — and overturn existing ones — that go further than state law in a broad swath of areas including labor, agriculture, natural resources and finance. It passed the Texas House by a 92-56 vote Wednesday after clearing an initial vote the previous day.

The bill’s backers argue it’s needed to combat what they call a growing patchwork of local regulations that make it difficult for business owners to operate and harm the state’s economy. Texas’ economic growth and jobs are overwhelmingly concentrated in the state’s urban areas.

“We want those small-business owners creating new jobs and providing for their families, not trying to navigate a byzantine array of local regulations that twist and turn every time” they cross city limits, said state Rep. Dustin Burrows, the Lubbock Republican carrying the bill in the House.

HB 2127 is one of several bills that Republicans filed this session to prevent cities and counties from enacting new progressive policies. For example, the bill would block local ordinances designed to provide more benefits to workers such as mandatory paid sick leave — though the state’s courts have already halted such city rules — and eliminate mandated water breaks for construction workers in Austin and Dallas.

KPFT 90.1 FM Correspondent Richard Hanna interviewed Hany Khalil, Executive Director of the Texas Gulf Coast Area Labor Federation of the AFL CIO and Chair of New Economy for Workers Houston, about the bills.

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