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BAM! Steele points out Trump’s just 4 yrs younger than Biden, obese, & unable to go down an incline.

BAM! Michael Steele- Trump just 4 yrs younger than Biden, obese, and unable to go down an incline.BAM! Michael Steele- Trump just 4 yrs younger than Biden, obese, and unable to go down an incline.

In answering a question about Republicans making President Biden’s age an issue, the statement Michael Steele made constructs the messaging Democrats must use.

Michael Steele nails the messaging.

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Michael Steele was asked by the MSNBC host if Republicans were straying too far on the Biden-is-too-old issue. … Steele agreed. In fact, he said that they should be careful, given that most of the Fox News watchers are part of the geriatric cabal.

Steele said that in the politics of the moment, Biden had handled the age issue expertly. He said while Trump is wailing from the podium, the President is getting stuff done. Trump is bogged down with legal issues. Michael Steele then went into a narrative every Progressive and Democrat should be ready to articulate.

“There are some contrasts, comparisons, and contrasts there that the Biden team can put up, and people do forget,” Steele said. “Again, it’s part of how the Republicans frame the narrative that Donald Trump is just four years behind them and obese, by most medical standards, out of shape. And we’ve got the same images of this of that president having a hard time walking down a plank, not walking up, but walking down a plank. Do you want to play the game? Play it carefully because there’s enough evidence out there about Trump to show that age hasn’t been kind to him either.”

It had always bothered me, for some time, how poorly Democrats tend to create the proper narrative. Donald Trump is obese, he eats unhealthy meals, he is incoherent likely showing a mental decline, and he is physically unbalanced. Democrats and Progressives must expose the projection. When the truth is on your side, the narrative writes itself if one allows it to do so.

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