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Dana Bash rebuked pugnacious Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy for questioning her journalism.

Dana Bash rebuked pugnacious Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy for questioning her journalism.

Dana Bash pushed back on Vivek Ramaswamy for claiming she did not know how to do her job. He was willing to be just another Trump sycophant in a more pompous pugnacious manner than most.

Pugnacious Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy

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Have you ever been around someone that is very smart but at the same time is green with a high degree of pretentiousness with a most pugnacious attitude? That is the definition of Republican Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy.

Ramaswamy has a solid education in biology from Harvard, graduating summa cum laude. He leveraged that to become a multimillionaire many times over. Unfortunately, as revealed by Fortune, his millions were made as crookedly as that of most of our multimillionaires and billionaires today.

When Dana Bash pressured Vivek to give his position on Trump’s indictment, the coward instead admonished the media and Dana in particular.

“I think it is shameful that I, as a competitor to President Trump in this race, have to ask questions that the media isn’t asking,” a disingenuous Ramaswamy cowardly shot back. “The job of the political media, if it has one job, is to hold the US government accountable. Instead, we’re doing the bidding. You’re seeing the media doing the bidding of the US government. Ask the question, get to the bottom of what Biden told Garland and what Garland told Jackson Smith. If the same shoe fits the other foot, you would not take their word at face value. Do not take their word. Now get to the bottom of it. Let’s actually restore journalism in this country. That’s what’s actually missing, and get to the truth.”

Dana did not give his righteous indignation any credence. She just replied in a matter-of-fact manner.

“Okay. Thank you for that,” Dana replied assertively. “We are absolutely asking these questions. And we know how to be good journalists because we do it every single day.”

And now, it is time for the mainstream media to expose Vivek Ramaswamy. He seems to be just an intelligent instantiation of Donald Trump.

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