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Record-high American credit card debt is the result of sustained theft from corporate America.

Record-high American credit card debt is the result of sustained theft from corporate America.

Let’s be clear; the record-high credit card debt is nothing more than the extortion by corporations on the American people. It is the transfer of wealth from the working class to the wealthy.

Record Credit Card Debt

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Americans are facing a record $1 trillion in credit card debt, driven by increased costs and financial insecurity. Many people are forced to use credit cards for essential expenses like groceries, facing high-interest rates.

The rise of inflation can be attributed partially to a supply chain problem created by corporations seeking to maximize profits. By employing foreign workers for low wages and focusing on executive pay and shareholder profits, corporations contributed to the inflationary pressure.

Half of the 9% inflation rate we suffered earlier was a result of corporate greed. By calculating the excess profits made by corporations after prices rose, it’s evident that the price increase was a direct transfer of money into the hands of corporations, shareholders, and executives.

It is important that we elect progressive leaders who will control inflation and corporate influences. Too often, the average middle-class citizen blames the opposing governmental force without recognizing corporate influence. Progressives work to prevent corporations from exploiting citizens.

Critical thinking and awareness of corporate exploitation by all of us is imperative. People must understand who is “screwing” them. Share the progressive message and be aware of Right-Wing and mainstream media that may not be telling the full story. We must be self-empowering and take control of destiny by electing the right leaders.

The included video encapsulates a progressive perspective on the connection between credit card debt, corporate greed, and government responsibility. The overall tone is one of urgency and a call to action to change the dynamics in favor of the average American citizen.

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