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A Right-Wing caller demeaning undocumented immigrants reminded of our tumultuous founding.

A Right-Wing caller demeaning undocumented immigrants reminded of our tumultuous founding.

A regular Right-Wing caller to PDR demeaned undocumented immigrants and was schooled with the inconvenient truth about our founding.

Undocumented Immigrants

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The conversation begins with a caller named Brian expressing concerns about undocumented immigrants, citing a single criminal case as evidence for a broader problem. Brian suggests that even a low rate of criminality among undocumented immigrants would translate to a significant number of criminals in the U.S.

Brian was countered by the fact that it is incorrect to judge a large group based on isolated incidents. One should be looking at aggregate data rather than individual cases. Moreover, the data does not support the notion that immigrants, undocumented or otherwise, are more crime-prone than native-born Americans. In fact, studies have proven the opposite.

While Trump may have done some commendable things, like pardoning some people of color whose convictions were race-based, his overall record on issues like racism, sexism, and homophobia cannot be ignored. Trump’s actions should be evaluated in their entirety, not just based on isolated good deeds.

Immigrants generally try to avoid criminal behavior because they want to stay under the radar. Immigrants are not the problem, but rather, the rhetoric and false beliefs perpetuated by outlets like Fox News and Newsmax are a clear and present danger to America. We need immigrants. Ask any farmer with his crops rotting in the fields of America.

Brian and anti-immigrants who are maligning undocumented immigrants for breaking the law to enter the U.S. should display some humility. It is hypocritical not to criticize the original settlers for taking land that wasn’t theirs. Humility and a focus on substantive dialogue rather than divisive rhetoric is essential. After all, the immigrants were coming for a job while European settlers came to conquer.

The conversation reveals the depth of division and polarized opinions on issues like immigration and the political legacy of figures like Donald Trump. We must have more nuanced views and solutions. Overgeneralization and the demonization of specific groups are anti-American. Let’s get a more informed, compassionate dialogue on this controversial issue.

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