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The censure of Rashida Tlaib is an attack on our freedom to think and express ourselves critically.

The censure of Rashida Tlaib is an attack on our freedom to think and express ourselves critically.

The censure of Rashida Tlaib is dangerous. It is an attempt to prevent critical thinking and analysis about the genocide that Netanyahu is inflicting on Palestinians in Gaza.

Rashida Tlaib censure: an attack on humanity.

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The censure of Representative Rashida Tlaib by the U.S. Congress embodies a broader societal struggle: the right to engage in critical discourse without facing institutional retribution. This act of censure is not just about one congresswoman or one statement; it reflects a worrying trend of stifling critical thought, a cornerstone of a vibrant democracy and a free society.

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First and foremost, the silencing of Tlaib’s voice on matters concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict represents a chilling encroachment on the fundamental freedom of expression. The implications are grave: when elected officials are censored for voicing dissenting opinions, it sends a clear message that some topics are off-limits to public debate. This not only undermines the democratic principle that elected representatives should freely voice the concerns of their constituents but also restricts the public’s access to diverse viewpoints necessary for informed decision-making.

If more politicians expressed less fear in articulating inconvenient truths, events like the U.S. military’s bombing campaign in Panama to capture one man, Manuel Antonio Noriega, and the subsequent disregard for the lives of innocent civilians and cover-ups would probably cease to occur. Irrespective of causation, our military action has consistently taken on a form of vengeance and collective penance where the lives of innocent civilians, generally people of color, are completely disregarded. Tlaib’s phrase in her “censure” speech was profound, “Palestinian people are not disposable.”

All lives hold equal value. The ethics of the current world order seem to rank the importance of lives based on ethnicity, nationality, political expediency, or proximity to power. This point is brought into stark relief when considering the ongoing humanitarian crisis in places like Gaza, where the Palestinian people endure severe hardships not just with Israel’s current genocide but a continuum of disrespect, disregard, abuse, and more for decades. It is not mutually exclusive that Hamas is a terrorist organization that murdered 1,400+ innocent Israelis, and that the actions of the Israeli government against the Palestinians are now genocidal. Worse by definition of the word, the Palestinians have inarguably been living under apartheid conditions. Tlaib’s censure, from this perspective, is not just a political maneuver but also a dismissal of the Palestinian struggle for dignity and recognition—a struggle she gives a voice to.

The suppression of critical thinking and the consequent lack of informed public discourse made the censure of Tlaib acceptable to too many. There is a “war on critical thinking,” where the public is kept uninformed and encouraged to accept the status quo without question. The censure of Tlaib, in this light, is emblematic of the broader societal issue where critical thinking and informed debate are discouraged, potentially leading to an uninformed citizenry that can be easily manipulated.

The censure of Representative Rashida Tlaib is not an isolated incident but a symptom of a more profound discomfort with critical and independent thought. It is an attack not just on a single individual but on the very principles of free expression, equality, and the importance of informed public debate. When these principles are compromised, democracy itself is weakened. Our government and corporations get free reign for mischief, exported inhumanity, and worse. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to resist such infringements and champion the cause of free discourse as the bedrock of a truly free and just society.

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