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Rep. Jayapal obliterates CNN’s Bash attempt to carry a ‘Hierarchy of Oppression’ Israeli narrative.

Rep. Jayapal obliterates CNN's Bash attempt to carry a 'Hierarchy of Oppression' Israeli narrative.

CNN’s Dana Bash’s producers likely made her a propaganda agent for Netanyahu and the IDF by changing the narrative as she interviewed Rep. Pramila Jayapal, co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

Jayapal obliterates CNN’s Bash’s ‘Hierarchy of Oppression’

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CNN’s Dana Bash has generally had a conservative bias to her reporting but, comparatively, is a fair journalist. For this reason, the tone and content of the following question should be of concern.

“I want to ask you about sexual violence,” Dana Bash said to Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal. “And it’s kind of remarkable that this issue hasn’t gotten enough attention globally, widespread use of rape, brutal rape sexual, violence against Israeli women by Hamas. I’ve seen a lot of progressive women, generally speaking; they’re quick to defend women’s rights and speak out against using rape as a weapon of war but downright silent on what we saw on October 7th and what might be happening inside Gaza right now to these hostages. Why is that?”

Dana Bash is implying that progressives were unconcerned with reports that Hamas terrorists were raping and terrorizing. That is a demonstrably false inference since everyone on all sides of the debate has condemned Hamas for ALL their terrorist acts, rape inclusive. This was nothing but the use of Netanyahu and IDF misdirection to justify the genocide, the war crimes that Benjamin Netanyahu‘s government is inflicting on the innocent civilians in Gaza under the pretext of extricating Hamas.

Hamas is a terrorist organization. Israel is a recognized state. As such, humane behavior is expected. Netanyahu and his complicit war criminals are trying to muddle that reality by attempting to justify their inhumane bombing because of Hamas’ terrorist acts. What Netanyahu cannot hide from is the reality of the asymmetry of his killing. There are over 15,000 dead Palestinians vs. 1,200 Israelis. And as the United States government continues to profess unconditional support for Israel irrespective of their massacres in Gaza and the West Bank, it endangers every United States citizen who will suffer blowback worldwide,

What is even more callous is Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu for enabling Hamas to strengthen as a counter to the Palestinian Authority, hindering two-state solution negotiations. As well, his government had the Hamas plan of attack for over a year. And Egypt warned the Israeli government that an attack was imminent. In other words, Netanyahu facilitated the murder of his citizens by his incompetence and attempt to stymie the two-state solution.

Sadly, Netanyahu continues to brag that he controls our government. He recently stated that he defied the U.S. and invaded Gaza against their wishes. He also defied President Joe Biden by stating that he is the only one who can prevent a Palestinian state.

Pramila Jayapal nails it as she points out where the discussion needs to be. It is time to stop the false narratives and misinformation. It is time to stand up for humanity. All monies to Israel must be conditional on an immediate cease-fire.

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