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Netanyahu Sr. Advisor thinks the world is blind. Does he really want to compare atrocities?

Netanyahu Sr. Advisor thinks the world is blind. Does he really want to compare atrocities?

The former Israeli ambassador & Netanyahu advisor Mark Regev appeared on MSNBC to project. It turns out that the evil of which he justifiably accuses Hamas is what Netanyahu is doing more effectively.

Netanyahu Sr. Advisor thinks the world is blind.

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The October 7th terrorist act that killed 1,200 Israelis was evil and inhumane. It must be noted that Benjamin Netanyahu’s government left the door open for that act, given the reporting that they knew about the plan and never took it seriously. In the intricate tapestry of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a narrative of profound tragedy and unending strife, the role of Benjamin Netanyahu‘s Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) has been a subject of intense scrutiny and criticism. Central to this critique is the IDF’s use of indiscriminate bombing in Palestinian territories, particularly Gaza, which has resulted in the death of thousands of innocent civilians and the widespread destruction of infrastructure. We must critically examine the implications of these military actions, underlining the humanitarian, legal, and ethical concerns that they raise.

The humanitarian impact of the IDF’s operations cannot be overstated. The bombing campaigns, aimed ostensibly at targeting militant groups such as Hamas, have repeatedly caused high civilian casualties. Residential areas, schools, and hospitals have not been spared in these attacks, leading to a catastrophic loss of life and livelihoods. The images of destruction that emerge from Gaza post-bombings paint a harrowing picture of the reality faced by its inhabitants – a reality marked by death, despair, and a relentless cycle of violence. The psychological trauma inflicted on the Palestinian population, especially on children who have grown up under the shadow of these bombings, is incalculable and will undoubtedly have long-lasting effects.

Critics argue that the IDF’s use of force in these instances is grossly disproportionate to the threat posed by Palestinian militants. The principle of proportionality, a cornerstone of international conflict ethics, mandates that the force used in military action must be proportionate to the military advantage sought. However, the scale and intensity of the bombings often seem to exceed what would be considered necessary or justified, leading to accusations of indiscriminate violence, genocide, and inhumanity. This disproportionate response not only raises serious ethical concerns but also questions the very rules of engagement and decision-making processes within the IDF.

From a legal perspective, these actions are often viewed as violations of international law, particularly the principles enshrined in the Geneva Conventions. These conventions require belligerents to distinguish between combatants and civilians and to ensure that any military action does not cause excessive civilian harm relative to the anticipated military gain. The high civilian casualty rates and the targeting of civilian infrastructure in Gaza suggest a failure to adhere to these principles, likely amounting to war crimes.

The international response to these military tactics has largely been one of condemnation. The United Nations, human rights organizations, and many countries have criticized the IDF’s actions, leading to a growing sense of isolation for Israel on the global stage. This international backlash not only affects Israel’s diplomatic relations but also impacts its moral standing in the world. The portrayal of Israel as an aggressor in these situations undermines its claims of self-defense and contributes to a negative perception globally.

Perhaps most critically, the IDF’s indiscriminate bombings have far-reaching implications for the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Each bombing deepens the chasm of mistrust and animosity between the two sides, making the prospect of a sustainable and peaceful resolution increasingly remote. These actions fuel a cycle of retaliation and vengeance, entrenching hardline positions and diminishing the voices of moderation and reconciliation.

Hamas’ terrorist act, where they murdered 1,200 Israelis along with maiming and raping many women, is unforgivable, evil, and many other descriptors. But that is who Hamas is and is something that we would expect of Hamas. They are a professional terrorist organization. Israel is a purported Democratic State, and as such, it should care about fighting within International Law guidelines. We expect it to be humane and fair, respecting the lives of all innocent civilians.

The IDF’s use of indiscriminate bombing in Palestinian territories, with its attendant loss of innocent lives and destruction, is a critical issue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It raises profound humanitarian concerns, poses legal and ethical challenges, damages Israel’s international standing, and significantly hampers the peace process. Addressing these issues is not just a matter of strategic reassessment but a moral imperative, crucial for paving the way towards a more peaceful and just resolution of this longstanding conflict.

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