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DEBATE DISASTER! The Democratic Party has a couple of weeks to decide.

Biden is a much better president than Trump by orders of magnitude. Unfortunately, Biden was unable to articulate that in the debate. Trump was animated with his lies as Biden failed to refute them.

Debate Debacle

I could not maintain my credibility if I did not admit that Joe Biden was a disaster in the debate with Donald Trump. Let’s be clear: Biden is a much better president than Trump by orders of magnitude. Unfortunately, Biden was unable to articulate that. Trump was animated with his lies, and Biden failed to refute them.

Biden likely got more progressive policies passed and implemented than any other Democratic president. He restored the respect that many other countries had lost in America. He was the first president to stand solidly with unions and even walked the picket line. While I disagree entirely with his stance on Gaza, I wanted him reelected. If he continues to support Netnyahu’s action, I can fight him along with my progressive brothers and sisters.

Politics is not a fair sport. While I am sure that Biden has the intellect and mental acuity to complete another four-year term in much better shape than our next oldest president, Ronald Reagan, did, the country may not want to risk it. The CNN flash poll from debate watchers is a warning.

I believe many of Biden’s poor numbers on the economy, the border, and other issues have a genesis in his age and the problems that come with it. In other words, many are projecting his age on their discontent for just about every issue. Again, it may not be fair, but that is politics.

The Democratic Party will have to ask itself whether Biden can recover from this debate disaster when the Republicans have already started spinning it as “narrative confirmed.” I don’t have the answer. The following three flash polls from CNN must give us pause.

Polls can change. Americans know that Trump is a thug and a felon. Yet, many would vote for Trump. Can Biden overcome this?

I have been writing about a Democratic landslide for several months from the Whitehouse to the State Legislatures to the municipalities. Republicans laid the path with their draconian policies, from book bans to taking away a woman’s right to choose to choosing to force school vouchers to mandating teaching the Bible in schools, and much more. While all elections are local, if too many lose confidence in the party’s titular leader, that could affect down-ballot races federally and locally.

While I don’t have an answer, the Democratic Party Leadership must find one. While many progressives have been holding their ire in choices made to maintain unity, this debacle should not have been a shock. As a progressive, I was hoping for a stellar performance that, deep inside, I knew was not there.

The party, IMHO, has two weeks to objectively assess the situation and determine if Biden has a chance. And if he doesn’t, it is incumbent on them to do the patriotic thing. A Donald Trump election is the instantiation of Project 2025, the birth of the FSA (Fascist States of America).

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