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Progressives & liberals are doing the real work that conservatives claim to be all about.

Progressives & liberals are doing the real work that conservatives claim to be all about.

A critical examination of how progressives and their policies actively address and resolve the issues that conservatives often highlight in their rhetoric but rarely tackle effectively in practice.

Progressives are better than conservatives.

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A dichotomy between conservative and progressive ideologies has long dominated the political landscape in the United States. Conservatives often assert that they are the true defenders of traditional American values, emphasizing a return to what they perceive as the country’s foundational principles. However, a closer examination reveals that progressives and liberals genuinely uphold and advance the core ideals that America aspires to embody.

A recent discussion during Politics Done Right’s “Ask Egberto Anything” meetup underscores this notion. The Politics Done Right community gathers monthly for in-depth talks, and one of its supporters’ insightful reflections was heard. Despite often being labeled as radicals, this supporter argued that progressives are actually the true conservatives in a meaningful sense. They are conserving and advancing the values that should be at the heart of American society: liberty, civil rights, the rule of law, and a host of other principles that define a just and equitable nation.

Conserving Liberty and Civil Rights

The progressive movement has consistently championed liberty and civil rights, standing up for marginalized communities and advocating for policies that ensure equality for all. From the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s to the modern-day fight for LGBTQ+ rights, progressives have led the charge in expanding freedoms and protections for every citizen. In contrast, conservative rhetoric often seeks to roll back these hard-won gains, using the guise of tradition and security to justify discriminatory practices.

Upholding the Rule of Law and Privacy

Progressives are also staunch defenders of the rule of law and privacy. They push for criminal justice reform, aiming to create a fair and just system rather than punitive and biased. This includes advocating for the end of mass incarceration, the reform of police practices, and the protection of individual privacy rights against unwarranted surveillance and data exploitation. Conservatives, meanwhile, frequently support measures that erode these principles, such as the expansion of the surveillance state and the imposition of draconian laws that disproportionately impact minorities and the disadvantaged.

Promoting Competitive Free Enterprise and Affordable Healthcare

Contrary to conservative claims, progressives strive to maintain a competitive free enterprise economy by advocating for fair regulations that prevent monopolistic practices and ensure fair wages. The progressive push for affordable healthcare, including the expansion of Medicare and Medicaid, aims to create a system where everyone can access necessary medical services without financial ruin. Conservatives often oppose these measures, favoring deregulation that benefits large corporations at the expense of small businesses and individual consumers.

Protecting Social Security and Fair Wages

Social Security, a cornerstone of American social policy, is constantly threatened by conservative policymakers who seek to privatize it. Progressives, on the other hand, fight to protect and expand it, ensuring that the elderly and disabled can live with dignity. They also advocate for fair wages and better working conditions, pushing for increases in the minimum wage and stronger labor rights to protect workers from exploitation.

Defending Voting Rights and Fair Taxation

Voting rights are another area where progressives are the true conservatives. They work to preserve the integrity and accessibility of the electoral process. They oppose voter suppression tactics and gerrymandering, striving to create a political system where every vote counts equally. In terms of taxation, progressives advocate for a fair tax system where the wealthy pay their fair share, funding public services that benefit all citizens. Conservatives, conversely, often support tax cuts for the rich, exacerbating economic inequality.

Embracing a Multiracial, Multicultural Society

America’s strength lies in its diversity, and progressives champion this diversity by promoting policies that support immigration, combat racial discrimination, and celebrate cultural differences. They recognize that a multicultural society is not a threat but an asset, contributing to the richness and innovation that define America. Conservatives frequently stoke fears of the “other,” promoting xenophobic and nationalist policies that seek to homogenize and divide.

Valuing Scientific Facts and Environmental Protection

Progressives value scientific facts, using evidence-based policies to address issues like climate change and public health. They advocate for strong environmental protections to safeguard the planet for future generations, recognizing the urgent need to address ecological crises. Conservatives, in contrast, often deny scientific consensus and support deregulation that harms the environment, prioritizing short-term economic gains over long-term sustainability.

Ensuring Free and Fair Elections

At the heart of democracy is the principle of free and fair elections. Progressives work tirelessly to protect this principle, advocating for reforms that increase transparency, reduce money’s influence in politics, and make voting more accessible. They push back against efforts to disenfranchise voters and undermine the democratic process, which is often driven by conservative agendas.


In essence, progressives and liberals are doing the actual work that conservatives claim to be all about. They are truly conserving the values that make America great: liberty, justice, equality, and democracy. Progressives are the guardians of the nation’s future by fighting for the rights of all citizens, protecting the environment, and ensuring a fair and equitable society. It is imperative for all Americans, regardless of political affiliation, to recognize and support these efforts to build a better, more inclusive country.

For further insights and progressive discussions, joining platforms like Politics Done Right can provide valuable perspectives and foster a deeper understanding of the crucial work to uphold these fundamental values.

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