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VP Kamala Harris flips the immigration script on Trump, making it his failure.

VP Kamala Harris flips the immigration script on Trump, making it his failure.

Vice President Kamala Harris did something Republicans usually do to Democrats: reverse the script. Harris flipped the immigration script on Trump. It is Trump who is responsible for immigration progress failure.

VP Kamala Harris flips the immigration script

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In her Atlanta rally, Kamala Harris is trying to achieve something crucial for the Democratic Party: successfully reframe the immigration debate, turning what has often been perceived as a Democratic weakness into a potent critique of Donald Trump’s leadership. This shift is a testament to Harris’ rhetorical skills and her strategic understanding of law and governance.

Harris’s Grounded Experience and Credibility

Harris’s background as the Attorney General of California, a border state, gives her a unique perspective on immigration issues. Her experience in prosecuting transnational gangs, drug cartels, and human traffickers lends credibility to her claims. She has walked the underground tunnels between the U.S. and Mexico, directly confronting border security challenges. This hands-on experience starkly contrasts with Trump’s approach, which she argues is more about rhetoric than action.

Trump’s Broken Promises on Border Security

In her speech, Harris highlighted Trump’s failure to deliver his border security promises. Despite his tough talk, Trump has not supported the most significant border security bill in decades. Harris pointed out that the bill had broad bipartisan support, including from some of the most conservative Republicans and the Border Patrol. Yet, Trump directed his allies to vote it down for political gain, showing his priority was not securing the border but his re-election prospects.

Harris’s Commitment to Real Solutions

Harris’s pledge to reintroduce and sign the border security bill that Trump killed underscores her commitment to addressing the issue pragmatically. This promise positions her as a leader willing to work across party lines to achieve actual results. By emphasizing that even a conservative-crafted bill, which could have helped solve border issues, was sabotaged by Trump, Harris effectively turns the narrative against him. She paints Trump as a self-serving politician rather than a protector of national security.

Executive Actions and Policy Outcomes

Under the current administration, despite criticisms of certain methods, there has been a reduction in border crossings compared to when Trump left office. This fact challenges the notion that Trump was the ultimate authority on border security. Harris leverages this point to argue that effective governance, even with contentious measures, has yielded better outcomes than Trump’s grandstanding.

The Broader Implications

Harris’s strategy of making immigration a Trump problem is astute. It redirects the conversation from perceived Democratic failures to Republican obstructionism and self-interest. By doing so, she defends her party’s position and places Trump in a defensive stance. This shift could galvanize voters who are frustrated with the current state of immigration policy but skeptical of Trump’s intentions.

This must be a broader progressive strategy: reframing debates to highlight Republican failures and positioning Democratic candidates as practical problem-solvers. By focusing on Trump’s political maneuvering and lack of genuine solutions, Harris underscores the importance of integrity and action in leadership.


Kamala Harris’s rally in Atlanta marks a significant moment in the immigration debate. Her ability to turn the issue into a critique of Donald Trump’s failures showcases her political acumen and deep understanding of the law. By pledging to sign a bipartisan border security bill, Harris demonstrates her commitment to solving the problem and exposes Trump’s empty rhetoric. This approach could prove pivotal in shifting public perception and rallying support for Democratic immigration policies. By making immigration Trump’s failure, Harris offers a powerful counter-narrative that could reshape the debate and bolster her standing as a formidable candidate.

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