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An ill-informed woman brainwashed by Trump’s MAGA cult called our show. Here’s how we dealt with it.

An ill-informed woman brainwashed by Trump's MAGA cult called our show. Here's how we dealt with it.

I thoroughly debunked a MAGA, ill-informed Trump cultist who called my Politics Done Right program, claiming Trump was a Christian with the best economy in her life.

A brainwashed MAGA cultist woman called our show.

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In a recent radio show, a caller named Wendy provided a striking example of how deeply ingrained misinformation and cult-like loyalty to Donald Trump have become among some of his supporters. Wendy, who identified herself as attempting to be nonpartisan by listening to various media outlets, expressed concern that our show was overly biased. She pointed specifically to our discussion of “Project 2025,” a political initiative tied to Trump and the conservative Heritage Foundation. She accused us of controlling the message and not sharing the truth. This conversation exemplifies the challenge of engaging with individuals whose beliefs are rooted more in faith in Trump than in verifiable facts.

The first key point in addressing Wendy’s concerns was to clarify the facts about Project 2025. This initiative is not merely a plan by a fringe group of Trump loyalists; it is a well-documented strategy backed by the Heritage Foundation, aiming to reshape the federal government drastically should Trump or a similar candidate return to power. This project is not a secret, nor is it something we fabricated. Trump has praised this plan, aligning with his broader goals of consolidating executive power and rolling back many progressive policies. Wendy’s disbelief in the connection between Trump and this project reflects a wider pattern among his supporters: a refusal to acknowledge inconvenient truths when they contradict the narrative spun by Trump and his allies.

When Wendy countered with her belief in Trump’s positive impact on the country, it became clear that her views were based more on emotion and personal belief than on empirical evidence. She listed several reasons for supporting Trump, including his supposed support for America, his economic acumen, and her perception that her life was better during his presidency. This kind of reasoning is common among Trump’s base, who often prioritize their personal experiences and feelings over objective facts. However, as was pointed out, believing something does not make it true.

The conversation then shifted to critically examining the facts, particularly regarding economic performance. Contrary to Wendy’s claims, the data shows more jobs have been created under President Biden than Trump. Moreover, Trump’s presidency saw a significant decline in jobs, especially when accounting for the impact of COVID-19, though his economic performance was already lagging before the pandemic. Additionally, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth under Biden has outpaced that of Trump, further debunking the myth that Trump’s economy was superior.

On the issue of crime, another talking point often used by Trump and his supporters, the data again tells a different story. Crime rates, particularly violent crime, increased during Trump’s presidency, contrary to his claims of being a law-and-order president. Meanwhile, the overall crime trend under Biden has been more stable, and his administration’s narrative of exploding crime does not hold up to scrutiny.

Deficit spending, another indirectly mentioned by Wendy, paints a stark contrast between reality and Trumpian rhetoric. Despite Trump’s claims that Democrats are the ones who “spend like crazy,” it was under his administration that the deficit skyrocketed, mainly due to the 2017 tax cuts that disproportionately benefited the wealthy and large corporations. In contrast, the deficit has been gradually reduced under Biden, reflecting more responsible fiscal management.

It was made clear that facts and data are crucial in these discussions. Simply repeating what Trump says or what one believes does not alter reality, which can be verified through credible sources and statistics. However, the challenge lies in getting people like Wendy to accept these facts, primarily when they have been deeply influenced by a cult of personality that dismisses inconvenient truths.

The conversation with Wendy highlighted how Trump’s rhetoric has fostered a cult-like following that is resistant to facts. This is not just a matter of political disagreement but a fundamental problem of epistemology, where the basis of truth and reality is questioned. Trump’s ability to convince his followers to believe in an alternate reality, where facts are malleable, and only he can be trusted, is a dangerous development in American politics.

Respect was maintained, yet a firm stance was taken when dealing with Wendy, emphasizing the importance of truth and evidence. This approach is essential when engaging with individuals misled by disinformation. While it may not always lead to an immediate change of heart, consistently presenting the facts and challenging false beliefs is crucial in the long-term effort to counteract the influence of Trump’s MAGA cult.

The call from Wendy serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle to combat misinformation and the cult-like devotion to Trump that blinds many to the truth. It underscores the need for continued efforts to educate and inform the public, to break through the walls of disinformation carefully constructed by Trump and his allies. By persistently presenting the facts and challenging false narratives, we hope to restore a shared sense of reality and move towards a more informed and rational public discourse.

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