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GET ORIGINAL MEDICARE! If Medicare Advantage was reliable, why must you reenlist every year?

GET ORIGINAL MEDICARE! If Medicare Advantage was reliable, why must you reenlist every year?

Stick with Original Medicare. Do not allow insurance agents to sell you Medicare Advantage. You would not need to sign up for it yearly if it were reliable. You don’t, with Original Medicare.

Get Original Medicare! Not Medicare Advantage.

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The video emphasizes Medicare Advantage’s instability, contrasting it with the reliability of Original Medicare. It critiques the marketing tactics of Medicare Advantage plans, which mislead consumers into believing they’re getting superior coverage when, in fact, they are signing up for a private insurance plan that may change annually. The video urges listeners to consider sticking with Original Medicare for consistent healthcare rather than being lured into the privatized, profit-driven system of Medicare Advantage (MA)

The video critique highlights how MA reflects the broader issue of corporate influence in healthcare. Constant re-enrollment, hidden costs, and restricted choices show that profit-driven motives undermine patient care. On the other hand, Original Medicare represents a public system that prioritizes stability and fairness—exactly what is needed in a truly equitable healthcare system that serves people, not profits.

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