Loretta Sanchez articulates what we all know. There is a conspiracy by Republicans to ensure the economy remains stagnant with the expectations that that will increase their chances for winning the Whitehouse.
This should be no surprise at all. After all the healthcare bill passed was more similar to a Republican bill than a Progressive bill yet Republicans vilified it. The mandate they now abhor was a Republican idea. The jobs bill they are refusing to support is packed with policies once supported by Republicans.
We cannot expect this message to be actively disseminated by the corporate media. It is then the responsibility of our local and national activists to stay on message and continue to point out the facts and how it affects every American. It is not enough to throw out the facts. We must make an emotional connection with those we are engaging by showing how the evil policies of the Right materially affect them, their family, their relatives, and ultimately the well being of our country.
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how very sad..that these people and those that follow them and vote them into office all think that they are immune to the suffering that they are politically fostering. I guess the lesson of Reap what you sow holds no meaning for the Reps and their followers.
My only comment it to those who approve of the kind of action from the GOP party and vote them back into office deserve what they get because everyone will be effective. So my advise is that we need to pray that God will intervene.
Unless Sanchez is willing to name them, it’s just not credible. Like in law, just hearsay.