Is attempting to undermine a president with his generals during a war treasonous in nature? GOP Rep Doug Lamborn is urging generals to resign in ‘”a blaze of glory” to oppose the president. Is this not an unpatriotic act?
Doug Lamborn (R-CO) attempting to undermine the President during a war
GOP Congressman Doug Lamborn sits on the House Armed Services Committee. He is a constant partisan critic of the president.
According to the Colorado Independent,
Colorado U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn said that “behind the scenes” he and other Republican members of Congress were encouraging military officers to resign in protest over President Obama’s foreign policy.
“[L]et me reassure you on this,” Lamborn told a small gathering of so-called liberty voters in Colorado Springs on Tuesday. “A lot of us are talking to the generals behind the scenes, saying, ‘Hey, if you disagree with the policy that the White House has given you, let’s have a resignation.’
“You know, let’s have a pubic resignation, and state your protest, and go out in a blaze of glory. I haven’t seen that very much. In fact, I haven’t seen that at all in years.”
Rep Doug Lamborn was speaking to the ‘liberty voters’, a group of Tea Party voters. He is running against retired Air Force General Irv Halter, a conservative Democrat. General and Democratic candidate Irv Halter had an appropriate response to Lamborn’s statement.
“It is inappropriate for Congressman Lamborn to politicize our military for his own gain,” he said in an email. “When I joined the Air Force, I swore an oath to execute policy – not make policy. All of our service members take seriously their obligation to serve our nation honorably and follow the chain of command.
“Our elected officials should not be encouraging our military leaders to resign when they have a disagreement over policy. Congressman Lamborn’s statement shows his immaturity and lack of understanding of the American armed forces. Someone who serves on the House Armed Services Committee should know better.”
It very disconcerting to see Rep Doug Lamborn publicly admit to an act to undermine the President during war. It was most disappointing however that he did not admonish the man who asked him the question who referred to the President as ‘the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House’.
This Obama derangement syndrome will only be stopped when those that cannot control the most vile nature of their partisanship are voted out of office. Only then can compromise occur between parties and ideas to move the country forward.
(h/t The Rachel Maddow Show)
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