Larry Wilmore’s encapsulation of Bill Cosby says it all
Larry Wilmore did a great job of putting Bill Cosby into context. It is now impossible for those who have been defending this deviant to stay on the side lines any longer. Are you listening Whoopie Goldberg? The words from the deposition are Bill Cosby’s. It is no longer a ‘he said, she said’ issue.
The New York Times got a hold of the entire 2005 Bill Cosby deposition that turned out to be quite telling. Larry Wilmore used clips from news outlets analyzing the deposition to present the case against ‘America’s favorite dad’.
It turns out Cosby admits to using Quaaludes. He admits to giving women the drug. He admits to using the death of one of the women he wanted as a pathway to sex.
Larry Wilmore made an important point. “If this deposition proved anything,” Larry Wilmore said. “Is that Cosby has absolutely no self-awareness.” Moreover, he is arrogant and believes he is above the fray.
Wilmore points out that there were signs embedded in Bill Cosby’s comedy and TV shows that pointed out to his depravity. He played an old comedy skit and a clip from the Cosby Show that made it quite clear.
Bill Cosby for a long time has been slamming black men, rap, and the urban culture in general for their ‘depravity’. Some of what he had to say had merit. However his inability to provide context and empathy for those who did not have the direction to live a better life was unforgivable. Bill Cosby is rich and powerful. Yet the pain, hurt, and violence he has effected on women is much more profound than anything those he maligned have done in the aggregate. Watching the fall of Bill Cosby while sad is well deserved.
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