Killer Mike endorses Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders spent five hours with rapper Killer Mike and apparently won him over. He gave Sanders one of the best introductions one likely heard for any candidate. The following is killer Mike’s best phrase as he was introducing Bernie.
“I have said in many a rap, I don’t trust the church or the government, a Democrat, Republican, a pope, a bishop or those other men,” rapper Killer Mike said. “But after spending five hours tonight, after spending five hours with someone who has spent the last 50 years radically fighting for your rights and mine, I can tell you that am very proud tonight to announce the next president of the United States, Sen. Bernie Sanders.”
And then the crowed exploded. Bernie is still in the game. If the masses are afforded his message, then the man really stands a chance.
Many have said that Bernie Sanders is unable to win over the black community. Many believe that the black community will keep a blind allegiance to Hillary Clinton. Here is the reality. I spent 20+ hours on a bus with black students on an NAACP trip to DC. We spoke extensively about politics. I was amazed at the amount of support Bernie Sanders has. These are students that are completely off the radar for pollster. Here is the reality, these guys vote and said they will be voting.
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