Those opposing healthcare on conservative grounds should note that since the Great Depression every time conservative policies have been instituted, the country has suffered immensely.
As I have stated on many of my blogs here, here, and elsewhere including graphs and charts that mimicked the economic trends during the effecting of conservative policies, it has always created a negative outcome on average Americans.
- Had we continued our full Keynesian policies during the Great Depression, it would not have taken WWII to get out as WWI spending was nothing but Keynesian economics on steroids.
- Had we not had Reagan’s irresponsible tax cuts, increase in defense spending, and other trickle down policies, we would not have had the budget deficits that further transferred wealth to the top 1% via borrowing back the tax cuts given them.
- Had we not had the deregulation started by Reagan, continued by Clinton, and ran on steroids by Bush through back door privatization including the privatization of war, we would not have had the economic collapse we had by the corrupt type of capitalism that were the direct results of such policies as well as a runaway budget deficit.
- Had we started towards a sensible universal healthcare system decades ago, our businesses would not have lost their competitive edge with healthcare being such a burden on employers.
The reality is that true conservatism is not evil in its own right. It is just backward looking and for those who are not in the small and right class is of no use. Today’s brand of conservatism practiced by the Tea Partiers and many on the Right is downright evil. Their policies kill. Their policies work in the same way third world fascist and dictators are empowered because they are able to control the masses by well calculated propaganda. Of course that requires a relatively ignorant or uneducated mass following. It is for that reason why we find today’s conservative leaders addressing liberals as elitists in their Ivory towers, trying to dismiss evolution, man effected climate change, and all that is scientific. They understand their demise is in the masses being educated.
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