On Monday, four bold senators — led by Colorado’s Mike Bennet — wrote a letter calling on Majority Leader Harry Reid to pass the public health insurance option through "reconciliation," which only needs a simple majority in the Senate.
Since then, 18 senators have signed the letter, with more joining each day. The momentum is amazing.
Will you click here to write a thank-you note to these senators for showing leadership on the public option? We’ll deliver your note to the senators so they can see how important this issue is — to all of us.
There will never be a more important time for senators to step up for the public option and show that they are willing to fight for the American people. Voters overwhelmingly want the public option. A majority of senators have said they want the public option. And finally, "reconciliation" is seriously under consideration — meaning that Joe Lieberman would be unable to block the bill.
These 18 senators are working hard for us, and we need to let them know that we have their backs. Please click here to say thanks!
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
— Adam Green, Stephanie Taylor, Aaron Swartz, Michael Snook, Brian Bills, and the PCCC team
P.S. We have only been able to build this incredible momentum thanks to over 300,000 activists, 118 House Democrats who signed on to this strategy, and over 20,000 phone calls to senate offices this week. Even though TX doesn’t have any Democratic senators to sign the letter, we’ll make sure these 18 leaders get your message. Please show your appreciation by writing a thank-you note today.
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