Today, President Obama starts a week-long campaign to try and get bipartisan support for healthcare reform before Congress finally moves forward to finish the job next month.
To get that conversation started, the White House has announced their "opening bid" of suggested fixes to the Senate bill. Even though a public option continues to be the most popular piece of reform and the best way to hold insurance companies accountable, the White House didn’t include it because Republicans in Washington won’t support it.
But Americans know that Republicans in Washington won’t support President Obama’s healthcare plan no matter what’s in it. To Republicans this fight isn’t about good policy, it’s about beating Obama at all costs. It’s about destroying reform to the point that Republicans and insurance companies win.
Americans get it. They want good policy not bipartisan junk. Sign our petition today and make sure Congress gets the message.
Over the weekend, we polled Americans in states all across the country to see what they wanted. We’re releasing the first eight states today. From Missouri to Iowa and Virginia to Washington State the message is clear. Americans would rather pass a public option without a single Republican vote than bipartisan junk.
We also polled on how it would affect their votes in elections held this year. It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that good policy is good politics. Here’s just one of the questions we asked:
"What would make you more likely to vote for Democrats in the 2010 elections: If they pass health care reform that includes a public health insurance option but gets zero Republicans votes OR if they pass health care reform without a public option but with some Republican votes?"
Every single state showed voters more likely to vote for Democrats if they passed a public option with zero Republican votes. Every. Single. State.
In fact, in Senator Harry Reid’s state of Nevada, we asked voters who said they supported his Republican opponents in his reelection race this year this question:
"Would you be more or less likely to vote for Harry Reid this year if he fought for and WON a public health insurance option that competes head-to-head with private insurance, or would it have no real effect on your decision to vote?"
The response: a whopping 21% said they were more likely to vote for Harry Reid if he fights for and WINS a public option.
That’s because the 2010 swing vote wants more change — not less. They want bold leadership, not bipartisan watered-down-to-nothing compromise. Americans want good policy and they will vote for Democrats who are strong enough to deliver the results.
With 119 House Democrats and 20 Senators calling for passing a public option using reconciliation, we’re getting closer every day to passing real reform.
It’s up to us to make sure they all know where American stands.
Thank you for everything you do,
Charles Chamberlain, Political Director
Democracy for America
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