Most of us have relied on Consumer Reports as an arbiter of unbiased information that help us in the purchase of products and services we can be sure would meet our requirements. With all the noise and misinformation on healthcare reform, why not take an objective look through a trusted source.
PS: As a person who has a wife with Lupus, a pre-existing condition, a daughter in college, and a small business, I and I alone am responsible for the healthcare insurance & well being of the family; there is no company, corporation, or entity masking the true cost of health insurance and health costs. We have been fortunate that we never had to take government subsidies for any of our healthcare needs but can attest to the difficulty of navigating every avenue within the healthcare delivery and insurance industry. We must sympathize with all Americans as at sometime we all get sick or are injured. Many who believe that they are insured do not realize what they are ultimately covered for until they need it most. Listen to those opposing healthcare reform at your own peril. Only you can chose to be personally misinformed.
If you’re like a lot of Americans, you probably have health insurance through your job. And for the most part, you might be happy with it.
But what if you become one of the tens of thousands of Americans losing their job each week thanks to our economic crisis? Or what if your employer dramatically hikes your premium, cuts benefits or drops your coverage? How would you afford your family’s health care?
Yesterday the President offered a proposal to bridge the gap between the House and Senate bills so Congress can move ahead, giving you health care security for these rough times.
Later this week, the leaders of both parties will meet. Some will argue we must toss out what’s on the table and start over. That’s why we’re reviewing the benefits of health reform with you, and asking that you forward these messages to others. If you know how you’ll benefit, and show politicians that you care, it will be much harder for them to walk away.
Read our newest update, and make sure everyone you know understands what they would get by forwarding this email to all your friends and family. Nearly 90,000 people have now been introduced to benefits they may not have known about, thanks to you! Keep it going! Here’s the gist:
- If you have decent coverage now through your job, you keep it. But if your employer suddenly drops your health coverage, or makes you pay more than 8% of your salary on your premium, you could get credits or vouchers to help buy your own affordable policy in an insurance shopping mall, or ‘exchange.’
- Help to buy insurance should you hit a rough financial patch. If you’re laid off from your job, or suddenly have a lot less income coming in, you can buy your own policy through the exchange with the help of tax credits. The less money you have coming in, the cheaper the policy.
- Your kids can stay on your policy until they turn 26 if they have trouble finding a job – and they don’t have to be full-time students.
- Small businesses will get help to cover their workers through tax credits that help cut their share of employees’ coverage by up to 50%. They also can also buy policies for their workers in the exchange, giving their employees a wide range of quality options.
- Seniors will get more benefits and a more stable Medicare program.
Medicare, which is facing bankruptcy in seven years, will be fully funded until at least 2026. And seniors will get all their preventive care covered at 100%, more of their prescription drug costs covered by shrinking the infamous ‘donut hole’ coverage gap, and more programs to keep them in their own homes and out of nursing homes.We’ll be asking for your help in the coming days to make sure these and other real benefits aren’t left behind in the political wrangling. In the meantime, help us tell everyone how they would benefit from health reform by forwarding this email to everyone you know.
Click here to learn more from Consumers Union about how health reform will guarantee you and your family decent, comprehensive, quality health care, no matter whether you have a job, or hit a rough financial patch.
Liz Foley
A project of Consumers Union
1101 17th Street NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036
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