There isn’t reverse racism, it is simply racism. Don Lemmon got this one right. The white sorority came ready to complete and was on point. The AKA’s simply looked like they thought it was theirs. That said, the organizers coming back with a scoring error is despicable.
As a black man who worked for Corporate America in the 1980s I can tell you that I have experienced first hand the pain of being denied what you have worked for and earned. Were it not for a thick skin and the ability to quit at nothing I would have been disillusioned and quit trying to move forward. This disillusionment is what has afflicted many minorities and is one of the reason many do not even try to get ahead. For minorities to inflict this on anyone is completely despicable given that they know the implications.
Minorities have felt the pain of overt, covert, competitive, social, & corporate racism. To inflict this on anyone must be called out irrespective of who it is. For that reason I have no respect for minorities against homosexuals or any other select group.
Zeta Tau Alpha brought it and beat the hell out of AKA. This was not a tie and the sponsoring organization should be ashamed of themselves.
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