I really do not care if Reagan would approve, however the Right that glorify Reagan should. Generally speaking Reagan’s foreign policy was marching time on the real success of that instituted by his predecessors, Republicans & Democrats.
Reagan Would Approve
by John Avlon
President Obama signed an arms-reduction treaty with Russia’s Dmitry Medvedev in Prague Thursday morning. While Reagan’s self-appointed defenders on the right are decrying Obama’s new nuclear plan, his former secretary of State, George Shultz, tells John Avlon he sees a continuity of vision between the two presidents.
“I believe we’ve come to the point that we must go at the matter of realistically reducing… if not totally eliminating, nuclear weapons—the threat to the world.”
That wasn’t some son-of-a-hippie Obama talking. That was Ronald Wilson Reagan speaking to the New York Post editorial board on March 28, 1982. It was the first of 150 times that President Reagan publicly spoke of his desire to rid the world of nuclear weapons, as detailed in a book published last year by two of his senior policy advisers, Martin and Annelise Anderson, titled Reagan’s Secret War: The Untold Story of His Fight to Save the World from Nuclear Disaster.
“President Obama has picked up on the notion that we can seek a world free of nuclear weapons, and that was very strongly felt by President Reagan,” said George Shultz.
But today President Obama is being called everything from a sellout to a threat to national security for articulating a similar vision—and taking steps to reduce nuclear arsenals with a new treaty, a revised nuclear posture review, and a multinational nuclear summit in Washington next week. Among the details of the treaty Obama signed on Thursday with President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia is a reported one-third reduction to both the United States’ and Russia’s deployed strategic warheads, to 1,550. CONTINUED
Reagan Would Approve – Page 1 – The Daily Beast
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