Today, another lesson in why you should never take anything Rush Limbaugh says at face value without first doing your homework. On his radio program, Rush called President Obama a liar for making claims that the health care law contains numerous Republican ideas–including the idea of the insurance exchanges, which Obama says came from The Heritage Foundation, but which Rush says is "Total BS."
In fairness, before you read this post any further, why don’t you go ahead and confirm Limbaugh’s remarks for yourself by reading or listening to the segment. Okay. Now that you’ve done that, can we agree that I’ve accurately captured Limbaugh’s remarks? Good. Time to debunk them.
For starters, ObamaCare is nearly identical to RomneyCare (the Massachusetts reforms) in many respects, and Heritage took credit for the RomneyCare ideas. So, to the extent that RomneyCare and ObamaCare are similar, Heritage has every right to take credit for the ideas in ObamaCare. The fact that they don’t want to is another story. CONTINUED
D. Brad Wright: Did the Heritage Foundation Invent ObamaCare?
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