I am convinced the GOP is run by nuts. How do they possibly believe they will gain brownie points by characterizing the Obama administration’s success in securing at least 20 billion dollars (definitely not enough) for the Gulf Coast liability as a “Shakedown”. I can guarantee that to the “small people” the 20 billion comes across as standing up for the average American. Usually in an off election year especially in bad economic times, the minority party gains many seats. It is amazing that Republicans colored by an irrational ideology is doing all that is possible to remain the minority party in the foreseeable future.
Republicans on the Hill have calculated that President Obama’s successful demand that BP set up a $20 billion escrow account to pay out claims is ripe for political attack. In the wake of Wednesday’s White House announcement, a host of GOP officials are raising questions about both the process by which the deal was made and the deal itself — going so far as to apologize to BP on America’s behalf.
"I’m ashamed of what happened in the White House yesterday," said Rep. Joe Barton (R-Tex.) during a hearing on Thursday morning with BP’s CEO Tony Hayward." I think it is a tragedy in the first proportion that a private corporation can be subjected to what I would characterize as a shakedown — in this case a $20 billion shakedown — with the attorney general of the United States, who is legitimately conducting a criminal investigation and has every right to do so to protect the American people, participating in what amounts to a $20 billion slush fund that’s unprecedented in our nation’s history, which has no legal standing, which I think sets a terrible precedent for our nation’s future."
"I’m only speaking for myself. I’m not speaking for anyone else, but I apologize," Barton added. "I do not want to live in a county where anytime a citizen or a corporation does something that is legitimately wrong, [it is] subject to some sort of political pressure that, again, in my words, amounts to a shakedown."
Airing criticisms against the notion of forcing BP to fork over $20 billion in liability revenue would seem like a fairly risky proposition considering just how reviled the oil giant is in the current political environment. And Democrats quickly jumped on the congressman’s remark, as well as those from other Republicans, as evidence of a lack of sensitivity for the victims of the spill.
"We know they oil companies have been the GOP’s patrons for years," said DNC spokesman Hari Sevugan, "but given the devastation inflicted on Americans by BP’s recklessness, we’re surprised that Republicans would not want to hold BP accountable to the families and small businesses of the Gulf."
Indeed, despite saying he was speaking on his own accord (and not on behalf of the Republican Party) but Barton was far from alone. The Republican Study Committee, a group of conservative members of the House, was even less diplomatic with a statement describing the Obama administration’s actions as a "Chicago-style political shakedown."
GOP Outraged By ‘Shakedown’ BP Escrow Account, Apologizes To CEO
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