As Americans figure out that they were summarily lied to during the healthcare debate those lying will likely pay at the ballot box. I am happy that this awareness seem to be coming earlier rather than later. As such we are likely to keep a progressive government that hopefully can mitigate the failure of the last 30 years and stop our decline into an unsustainable oligarchy.
WASHINGTON — The patient is alive and kicking. A new Associated Press-GfK poll finds public support for President Barack Obama’s new health care law has risen to its highest point.
The nation remains divided, with 45 percent in favor and 42 percent opposed to the president’s signature domestic accomplishment.
Still, the shift in public sentiment was significant. Opposition to the overhaul increased after Congress passed it in March. And last month, supporters were outnumbered 39 percent to 46 percent. But the latest survey found the strongest backing for the health care plan since the AP-GfK poll began asking in September.
"I thought when people began to realize what was in the health care package that they would see it’s a good, solid program and that would dispel some of the misinformation," said Claudia Harris, 72, of Orem, Utah, an English professor at Brigham Young University.
Electrical contractor Kerry Eisley of Moscow, Pa., said he thinks people are starting to get nuts-and-bolts information on how the legislation affects them.
"If we can insure more people across the United States and get the cost of health care down, I think that’s a better thing," said Eisley, 43, a Republican who supports the health care plan, though not a single GOP lawmaker voted for it.
The poll found support increased since May among men (from 36 percent to 46 percent), people in their prime working years (from 35 percent to 49 percent among 30-49 year-olds) and Republicans (from 8 percent to 17 percent.) The uptick among Republicans comes even as party leaders are calling for the law’s repeal.
The changes coincide with a concerted effort by the Obama administration, congressional Democrats and their allies to sell the immediate benefits of the law.
Those include coverage for young adults on their parents’ plan until they turn 26, a $250 rebate check for seniors with high prescription costs, tax credits for some small businesses that cover their employees and federal funding to train more primary care doctors and nurses.
Health Care Reform: Support For New Law Hits Record High (POLL)
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