GOP Sen. Bob Bennett Says His Own Party Is Short On Policy Ideas (VIDEO)
The Huffington Post
Elyse Siegel
First Posted: 06-30-10
Sen. Bob Bennett (R-Utah) took aim at his own party’s policy ideas when he took to the podium to speak before a group of moderate Republicans on Wednesday.
"As I look out at the political landscape now, I find plenty of slogans on the Republican side, but not very many ideas," Bennett told members of the Ripon Society. "Indeed, if you raise specific ideas and solutions, as I’ve tried to do on health care with [Oregon Democratic Sen.] Ron Wyden, you are attacked with the same vigor as we’ve seen in American politics all the way back to slavery and polygamy. You are attacked as being a wimp, insufficiently pure, and unreliable."
Bennett, who was kicked off his party’s primary ballot last month at the Utah GOP convention, predicted that Republicans will retake control of the House of Representatives in November, but suggested that the shift in power may be short-lived given the lack of solutions coming from their side of the aisle.
"The concern I have is that ideology and a demand for absolute party purity endangers our ability to govern once we get into office," Bennett said.
GOP Sen. Bob Bennett Says His Own Party Is Short On Policy Ideas (VIDEO)
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