It’s been less than four months since President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act — and, because of reform, about 1 million uninsured Americans are expected to receive coverage by next year. And that’s just the start.
A new bill of rights for patients is starting to take effect, and the worst abuses of the insurance industry are coming to an end. As the President recently announced, the Patient’s Bill of Rights will ban rescission of coverage, stop discrimination against children with pre-existing conditions, and place restrictions on annual limits.
This is an incredibly important first step for reform, and we need your help. We’ve put together an information sheet that breaks down exactly what the Patient’s Bill of Rights does. To start spreading the word in your own community, print it out and pass it along to your friends, post in your local coffee shop and grocery store, or bring it along with you when going door-to-door.
There are those who still aren’t sure about health reform, but as the law takes effect, we have a new opportunity to convince the skeptics. OFA supporters are the very best communicators and organizers in communities all across the county — you can bring the debate out of D.C. and into your town, and this information sheet is a great tool we believe will help.
The Affordable Care Act works to put consumers back in charge of their health coverage and care. And because of the Patient’s Bill of Rights, Americans can know that their insurance will be there when they need it most.
The more information sheets we put in visible places, the stronger the message we’ll send about our support for health reform and President Obama. Share it with your friends. Mail it to your family members. If you’re a medical professional, post it in your office or waiting room. Be creative — anything you do will be a huge help in making sure Americans understand what the new law does for them.
Will you help us make the case for change? Download your information sheet and share the Patient’s Bill of Rights with five friends today:
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