Did you forward last week’s announcement of the new health coverage for people with pre-existing conditions? Forward the price and benefit information to them right now. They can check the price and apply regardless of their medical conditions! |
Last week we told you about the new, more affordable health insurance for people with pre-existing conditions.
But if you tried to find the price for coverage in your state last week, you likely couldn’t because prices were not posted yet. We are very sorry for any confusion this may have caused.
Today, the prices and a detailed benefit summary are posted, so you can visit the site, see how much it would really cost, and apply!
The price AND benefits are now posted – download the form and apply now or just learn more about your options!
If you haven’t had insurance for at least six months because of a pre-existing condition, you can apply for a policy today, with coverage starting as soon as August. Did you forward last week’s announcement to others? Take a moment to forward this email again so they know to go and check the prices.
The new plan will cover primary doctor care and all specialty care needed to treat and manage pre-existing conditions, including prescriptions and hospitalization. The cost of coverage isn’t based on your income so it may still be expensive for you, but it will cover most things you need and cost less than the other options you’ve probably considered.
Look up prices in your area – and help us spread the word to others who need it!
Few things are worse than being denied the coverage you need simply because you have a health problem.
Apply now if you need insurance, or forward this email to others who might.
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