NEW VIDEO: Rick Perry’s budget denial
Incumbent ignores reality, hides the truth about $18 billion hole
HOUSTON — A new video released by the Bill White for Texas campaign today highlights Rick Perry’s budget denial and attempts to hide the truth about the state’s budget crisis until after the election.
The video is available at:
"Rick Perry’s in denial. He refuses to tell the truth about the budget hole he helped create. The whole rationale for his reelection campaign has been that Texas is on firm financial footing, and now that’s crumbling right before his eyes," said Katy Bacon, campaign spokesperson.
In two new interviews with Bloomberg and KERA, Perry sticks his head in the sand, referencing the possibility of a $10 billion or an $11 billion budget hole.
For weeks Perry has refused to provide estimates about the looming crisis, hoping to run out the clock and hide the facts until after election time.
Legislative leaders, including House Appropriations Chairman Jim Pitts (R – Waxahachie) and House Speaker Joe Straus (R – San Antonio), agree the budget hole is at least $18 billion if not $21 billion.
Katy Bacon
[email protected]
"Texas faces a budget gap of historic proportions over the next two years – nearly $21 billion, some state leaders are saying for the first time.
New assessments, obtained by The Dallas Morning News after a recent huddle of senior legislative staff members, show that even if lawmakers decide to spend all $9 billion in the state’s rainy day fund, they still would need to come up with almost $12 billion more to close the gap – through some combination of spending cuts, accounting tricks and new taxes or fees.
The figures, prepared by staff at the Legislative Budget Board and then tweaked by House leadership, show the situation has deteriorated since spring.
In May, Pitts, the House’s chief budget writer, drew derision from some GOP leaders when he said the shortfall could be between $15 billion and $18 billion. Perry said someone had "reached up in the air and grabbed" the figure.
The latest figures, though, show the gap as high as $20.6 billion."
Dallas Morning News, Many Texas politicians, including Perry and White, talk little of $21 billion budget gap, Sep. 12, 2010.
"The working estimate of the looming state budget shortfall has grown to about $21 billion in the face of smaller-than-expected tax revenue and projected higher costs for education and health care, legislative staff said Monday."
San Antonio Express-News, Estimated budget shortfall increases, Sep. 14, 2010.
"…and uncertainty next legislative session as lawmakers struggle with how to close a budget shortfall he estimates at $18 billion to $20 billion."
Quorum Report, Pitts and Straus Sound Somber Notes with Counties; Dewhurst More Upbeat, Sep. 2, 2010.
"Pitts said that…the shortfall looks to be $18 billion to $20 billion."
Quorum Report, Pitts and Straus Sound Somber Notes with Counties; Dewhurst More Upbeat, Sep. 2, 2010.
"But House Speaker Joe Straus has embraced his budget chairman’s estimate that Texas in the next two year budget faces an $18 billion shortfall — and then some, maybe, Straus added last week.
Over the weekend, I finally obtained a printed copy of Straus’ remarks last week to county leaders. And this paragraph jumped out:
"Like you, we will have to make some very tough choices next session," he said. "I’ve asked members of the House to keep that in mind as they work on developing a balanced, no-new-taxes budget — especially as we contemplate how to bridge a budget gap at the state level that is projected by the House to be at least $18 billion."
Dallas Morning News, Straus, House stick to guns on $18 bil estimate, Sep. 7, 2010
"There is some discussion that we will be $10 to $11 billion short of revenues relative to the last session’s budget which was done two years ago back in January of 2009 when we went back into session."
Bloomberg, Interview with Rick Perry, Sep. 16, 2010.
"With all due respect to the Bloomberg reporters, they don’t know what the budget is in the state of Texas. And no one does, they’re just people guessing at it right now." … "Again, Bloomberg and the AP are not the experts on the budget in the state of Texas."
Bloomberg, Interview with Rick Perry, Sep. 16, 2010.
"somewhere around $10 to $11 billion is what the workable shortfall [is]"
KERA, Perry Estimates Smaller Budget Gap During KERA Interview, Sep. 16, 2010.
"The idea that everyone is trying to pinpoint five months, six months away from when the budget will be written exactly what the resources [are]. I think it’s an exercise that is not particularly productive. We have a comptroller. If Bill White wants to talk about the budget is this then he should have run for comptroller."
KERA, Perry Estimates Smaller Budget Gap During KERA Interview, Sep. 16, 2010.
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