OBAMA WARNS OF ‘CORPORATE TAKEOVER OF OUR DEMOCRACY’…. We talked earlier this week about far-right interest groups collecting millions for attack ads, all in support of Republican candidates, and financed through shadowy groups awash in undisclosed donations. The NYT raised the specter of "a relatively small cadre of deep-pocketed donors, unknown to the general public … shaping the battle for Congress."
It’s not an issue Democrats spend a lot of time talking about — they have plenty of other items they’re trying to emphasize — which is why I was glad to see President Obama take some to talk about this at an event last night in Connecticut.
"I want you to consider this — right now, all across the country, special interests are planning and running millions of dollars of attack ads against Democratic candidates. Because last year, there was a Supreme Court decision called Citizens United. They’re allowed to spend as much as they want without ever revealing who’s paying for the ads. That’s exactly what they’re doing. Millions of dollars. And the groups are benign-sounding: Americans for Prosperity. Who’s against that? Or Committee for Truth in Politics. Or Americans for Apple Pie. Moms for Motherhood. I made those last two up.
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