You know Republicans are confident if they can show outward disdain for policies that help the poor migrate into the middleclass. Here he is being incoherent. He thinks the minimum wage is too low but as opposed to advocating increasing it he wants government out of setting a minimum.
In his contempt for the citizens, he wants you to believe that in times of high unemployment that somehow companies will voluntarily pay more than the minimum wage. It is silly as given that supply and demand dictates that with many unemployed falling off of public assistance they will work for anything. And anything is below what we currently have as the minimum wage.
As I have been stating, Class Warfare is the only way the middleclass will get to partake of the American dream again. The greed of the rich is un-mitigated. The only problem now is their greed matches their research in human psychology and they use this to make the masses vote against their own interest.
My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare: The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom
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One of the most controversial issues in West Virginia’s tight U.S. Senate race has been disagreement over the minimum wage, an issue the candidates touched on in Monday night’s debate.
The event featured Democratic Gov. Joe Manchin, Republican John Raese, Mountain Party candidate Jesse Johnson and Constitution Party candidate Jeff Becker. At one point, a questioner noted that Manchin has taken many positions that are out of step with the Democrats — such as his opposition to climate change legislation — and asked him where he agrees with the traditional party positions.
Manchin cited Social Security, saying he was against privatizing it. He also named the minimum wage. "I believe in the minimum wage," he said. "I fought for that, and I believe in it. It’s basically helping people have a balance or have a basement or a floor, if you will, so that there is some dignity and some reward. If you put that out to the market, it’s going to fluctuate to how low is low enough."
Manchin also said he agreed with Democrats on Medicare, adding, "I believe basically every time this country go into trouble, every time that we hit the bottom, it’s the Democrats that stood up and helped people. The average person. People struggling to make it. People trying to take care of their families. I believe very strongly in that."
Raese has made headlines during the campaign for his belief that the minimum wage is unconstitutional and should be abolished. In tonight’s debate, he gave a confusing answer justifying his position, claiming that Democrats "enjoy" having people make only $7.25 an hour and the minimum wage is somehow creating lower salaries all around:
RAESE: Well, my opposition to minimum wage is that I don’t agree with minimum wage because I think minimum wage is something nobody can live on. I think it’s too low. I don’t like government setting price controls, I don’t like government setting wage controls. I want a better wage for everybody.
And in order to get a better wage for everybody, we have, in this country, we have to start lifting jobs and manufacturing where they should be — not like Manchin and Obama. They enjoy people working for $7.25. Quite frankly, I don’t.
And I think when you create the demand — and that’s a very important word here; it’s called "demand." Demand in this country right now, certainly with the Obama policies, is running a large unemployment line right now, and as we know, minimum wage is one of the worst things possible for unemployment.
So I’d like to raise the playing field because we need to set, we need to set, an environment for jobs in this country by cutting taxes, cutting spending, and putting American manufacturing first again. And unless we do, that, we’re always going to be mired in how low can we go. I’m exactly opposite that. I’m very positive on how high we can go, and I know a lot about creating jobs in my lifetime; I’ve created a lot of them.
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