Firstly, the reason Michele Bachmann felt comfortable on CNN spreading the blatant lie about the President spending $200 million a day on his trip to India is because Republicans have consistently gotten away unscathed on most programs on every TV and radio network. This particular lie was so blatant that for credibility sake the main stream media decided to refute it.
Inasmuch as Anderson Cooper refuted it in this piece, his timidity to simply dispel the myth is prefaced and post faced by a little attack on the President’s policies. By doing this, Cooper gives the impression that the President is deserving of some attack by the Right but that this large a myth was unnecessary.
Never in his preface did he lay down the fact that the vast majority of our budget deficit can be traced provably and directly to low taxes and supply side economics. This is that Liberal Media Conservatives like to talk about?
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On Thrusday’s "AC360," Anderson Cooper debunked the false story about the supposedly enormous price tag for President Obama’s ten-day tour of Asia, and slammed conservative politicians and pundits for spreading the myth.
Cooper opened his show by promising to refute "a made-up story about the president of the United States." He stressed that it was "not [my] job to defend the president," but that there were plenty of real things to criticize President Obama about without resorting to falsehoods.
The notion that Obama’s trip to India and other Asian countries will cost $200 million a day and will involve the deployment of 34 Navy ships sprang from a story published by the Press Trust of India on Tuesday. In that article, "a top official of the Maharashtra government privy to the arrangements for the high-profile visit" used the $200 million figure.
Cooper said that this was pretty thin material with which to attack Obama.
"We have no idea who this person is, no name was given," he said. "It was an anonymous quote — the conduct Sarah Palin has recently been railing against. Some reporter in India wrote this article with this figure in it, no proof was given, no follow-up reporting done."
Anderson Cooper Slams Conservatives For Spreading ‘Myth’ About Cost Of Obama’s Asia Trip (VIDEO)
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