One can only wonder why President Bush is printing such a revisionist book from all accounts that have leaked so far. His explanations for his most blatant “criminal acts” are simply unbelievable that he shows a disdain for Americans basal intelligence.
He claims waterboarding was legal and constitutional but does not answer if it is OK for another country to waterboard Americans. He said we invaded Iraq because we thought they had Weapons of Mass Destruction but when asked if it was a mistake since they had none, he said invading Iraq kept us safe, a bait and switch.
President Bush’s policies caused the death of over 4 thousand American soldiers and over 100,000 Iraqis. Moreover it is partially responsible for our inordinate budget deficit. To attempt to revise history and show no remorse is simply evil. It shows that ultimately he believes his legacy is more important than atoning for the misery he has caused many American families, Iraqi families, British families, and thousands around the world.
My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom
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To Questions He Can’t Answer, Bush Has A New Response: Buy My Book
WASHINGTON — George W. Bush, bursting back onto the public scene a little less than two years after he left Washington in disgrace, has come up with the most self-serving answer yet to some of the most persistent questions about the moral and practical failings of his administration: Buy my book!
Bush repeatedly deflected follow-up questions from NBC’s Matt Lauer in an interview aired on Monday night, suggesting that more satisfying answers could be found by purchasing his new $35 memoir.
Big surprise: They can’t.
After Bush acknowledged that he approved the use of waterboarding — an interrogation tactic nearly universally considered to be one of the archetypyal forms of torture — Lauer asked: "Would it be OK for a foreign country to waterboard an American citizen?"
Bush’s response: "It’s all I ask is that people read the book. And they can reach the same conclusion. If they’d have made the same decision I made or not."
After Bush insisted that waterboarding is legal, "because the lawyer said it was legal," Lauer remarked: "Tom Kean, who a former Republican co-chair of the 9/11 commission said they got legal opinions they wanted from their own people."
Bush’s response: "He obviously doesn’t know. I hope Mr. Kean reads the book. That’s why I’ve written the book. He can, they can draw whatever conclusion they want."
But Bush doesn’t remotely address Lauer’s first question in the book. As for the second, he simply states that "Department of Justice and CIA lawyers conducted a careful legal review. They concluded that the enhanced interrogation program complied with the Constitution an all applicable laws, including those that ban torture."
Bush on Monday night also got a bit testy when Lauer asked about his initial reaction to news of the 9/11 terror attacks — and how, on that morning in a Florida classroom, he appeared to freeze.
Bush’s response: "Yeah, well, I’m not gonna debate the critics as to whether or not I was in shock or not. I wasn’t. They can read the book and they can draw their own conclusion."
To Questions He Can’t Answer, Bush Has A New Response: Buy My Book
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