Today in an interview with Katie Couric, US Lisa Murkowski was free to say exactly how she feels about Sarah Palin’s political prospects. Sarah Palin having supported her Tea Party opponent was surely her liberating factor.
There finally is a Republican willing to tell the true facts about Sarah Palin. That many intelligent Republicans were unable or fearful to articulate the fact creates the self-perpetuating inevitability of a Sarah Palin run for the Presidency.
Most doubt that Sarah Palin could beat President Obama in 2012. If the economy remains stressed which is likely given that we no longer have a substantial manufacturing base to absorb the unemployed and a Republican House of Representatives is unlikely to pass any type of humane stimulus to effect employment, Sarah Palin could win.
The continuous barrage of hate spewed by FoxNews, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage and the other talking heads in the Right Wing echo chamber can and has created such a negative climate against the President with their alternate state of reality, she could actually squeak into the presidency. Hate is a form of insanity and if the 2010 midterm is any indication, this insanity can cause otherwise sane people to vote against the interest of their families, against the interest of their finances, and against the interest of the country.
Just maybe Lisa Murkowski belated courage to tell the truth about Sarah Palin, specifically that she lacks the intellectual curiosity and lacks the leadership qualities to be president will make more Republicans speak out before it is too late. They need to do this for the good of the country.
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Republican U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski says she doesn’t think Sarah Palin has the leadership qualities to be president, nor the "intellectual curiosity" needed to make good policy.
Murkowski shared her take on the matter during an appearance on Monday’s edition of "CBS Evening News" with Katie Couric.
"I just do not think that she has those leadership qualities, that intellectual curiosity that allows for building good and great policies," explained the incumbent lawmaker when asked about a previous suggestion she’s made that she wouldn’t support Palin for president. "You know, she was my governor for two years. And I don’t think that she enjoyed governing."
Elaborating on her view, Murkowski continued, "I want somebody that goes to bed at night and wakes up in the morning thinking about how we’re going to deal with our national security issues, how we’re going to deal with our economy, how we’re going to deal with providing better education or peace in the Middle East."
An e-mail sent Monday from The Associated Press to Palin’s media team wasn’t immediately returned.
Palin, a former vice presidential nominee, resigned midway through her first term as Alaska’s governor last year. She’s seen as a potential 2012 presidential contender.
Despite their differences, Murkowski she says she’s still Palin’s senator and will "work hard to represent her, too."
Murkowski is seeking to defeat Palin-backed candidate Joe Miller in the still-undecided Alaska Senate race. Murkowski ran as a write-in candidate after losing the primary to Miller.
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