The Chamber of Commerce is against healthcare reform because of the creation of 159 agencies? That is a silly statement by Tom Donohue, their President. I would support the repeal of Healthcare Reform if instead we institute a Single Payer Healthcare Insurance which would require just one agency, the agency that pays and administers the paying of our healthcare bill as long as we ensure that every worker must be an American worker and no part of the program is outsourced.
The Chamber of Commerce would surely oppose one entity paying for healthcare which makes their argument for supporting healthcare repeal a sham. The thought that keeping hundreds of insurance companies in business all with their own high salaried CEO, President, VP, accounting department, advertising budgets, and other overhead simply to pay a bill that any government employee could pay is comical. The idea that over 30 cents on every dollar is issued for expenses to pay a healthcare bill is more than irresponsible, it is theft. The Chamber of Commerce shows that it is the union of the business executive intent on keeping the executives employed however unnecessary.
The Chamber of Commerce is there to ensure profit maximization on any industry willing to pay their dues to effect the misinforming of the American population to support policies against their own interest and to pay off politicians in legally politician approved discrete forms. At the same time they are a powerful union for business they are in complete opposition of the American workers’ ability to unionize. The inefficiencies they accuse union workers of having is in effect the inefficiency of the CEO and other corporate executives. Middle class worker productivity gains from low wages, automation, and outsourcing has become the bonuses of the executive.
The Chamber of Commerce is a danger to the American worker and as such a danger to the middle class. They support corporate policy that will transfer the last bit of wealth from the middle class upward. Who will stand up for the middle class? Will the middle class stand up for itself? The middle class must. After all there is more in the middle class than in any class combined still. If the middle class delays healthcare-less indentured servitude is irreversible.
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Chamber President Backs Health Care Repeal Vote
[email protected] | HuffPost Reporting
First Posted: 01-11-11 09:51 AM | Updated: 01-11-11 10:04 AM
WASHINGTON — Nearly 10 months after the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the nation’s preeminent business lobby, said it would not spend money to push for repeal of last year’s sweeping health care law, Chamber President Tom Donohue said Tuesday that President Barack Obama’s signature legislation should be overturned.
Delivering the annual State of American Business address less than a month before Obama himself is slated to speak at the Chamber’s D.C. headquarters, Donohue gave little indication that his lobby would be content to see the health care legislation stand.
"The new health care law, think about this for a minute, creates, creates 159 new agencies, commissions, panels, and other bodies. It grants extraordinary powers to the Department of Health and Human Services to redefine health care as we know it," the Chamber president said.
Donohue cited the hundreds of HHS waivers granted to U.S. businesses, which allow them to defer adhering to the law’s stricter coverage requirements, as an admission that "the law is not totally workable."
"And with key provisions under challenge in the courts by states and others, it’s time to go back to the drawing board," he added. "Last year, while strongly advocating health care reform, the Chamber was a leader in the fight against this particular bill — and thus we support legislation in the House to repeal it. We see the upcoming House vote as an opportunity for everyone to take a fresh look at health care reform, and to replace unworkable approaches with more effective measures that will lower costs, expand access, and improve quality."
The comments echo earlier philosophical and political complains that the Chamber has had with the health care reform law. The business lobby spent $86 million in total trying to defeat the legislation. But when it passed back in March, Donohue had hinted that he wouldn’t continue spending to oppose it, telling the Wall Street Journal: "If people want to try and repeal, let them. We’re not going to spend any capital on that."
Chamber President Backs Health Care Repeal Vote
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