Juan Williams, a man born in the same country as myself, Panamá has lost my complete respect as a journalist. It is as if his new gig at FoxNews has changed what use to be a very reasonable Liberal into nothing but a paid hack and someone who can no longer reason. He interprets a letter that specifically states that NPR gives quality news as opposed to Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh as proof it has a Liberal tilt and for that should be defunded. That letter simply stated a fact. That Rush and Glenn are factually illiterate and NPR an unbiased fact engine is simply an unadulterated truth. False equivalence should never be a journalistic acumen.
His second tenet stating that Schiller’s condescension of Conservatives (who are provably wrong on just about every policy requiring lies to mitigate them) and ultra-left Liberals (that in their purity refuse to understand pragmatism and that the country is not all Liberal) was spot on. The truth sometimes hurt but many times best said.
Juan William’s support for defunding in the short run may win him kudos at FoxNews. I find it hard to believe however that after being a real journalist and being surrounded by real journalism that truthfully informed that he would not eventually regret his prostitution of the ethic. Unfortunately, once soiled in this regard, his credibility will be forever suspect. It is sad that America has lost what was a very good author and journalist for a couple million corporate dollars.
Juan’s support for defunding shows that he intends to hold a grudge on NPR for what I believe was an overdue firing, at the peril of a truthfully informed America. For that he is doing an injustice to the oath of American citizenship we both took.
My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom
Book’s Webpage: http://bit.ly/aB9Zkz – Twitter: http://twitter.com/egbertowillies
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