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If I were cynical I would think President Obama kept the immigration issue simmering without major attention to make it an issue in the 2012 election to ensure the Hispanic population, a population that votes below its numbers, get fired up to vote this time around. Irrespective, the case he painted puts both himself and Republicans at an impasse.
The case that the President put out will immediately put the Republicans on the defensive. Interesting enough it puts them between a rock and a hard place of their own making. President Bush legitimately tried to engage the Hispanic population. After-all the Bush family has a good civil rights record. Unfortunately Republicans thought like Nixon and Reagan’s southern strategy, they needed to appeal to the daemons of racism to win.
That it did not work during the election of President Obama makes one put their intellect into question. It would have been easier to ask their racist Right to live up to the best of their supposedly Christian belief as they courted policies that appealed to the Hispanic voters which in many instances are closer to theirs than to staunch Liberals. Arizona and all the other states now disparaging immigrants make that a lost opportunity for the next few election cycles.
My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom
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