This morning I was interviewed on Tampa Florida Radio Station 88.5 FM on the program Revolution Time featuring host Mabíli Ajaní Oguniyí. Many calls came in with some insightful concerns. The interview was multifaceted and covered not only my book but many of todays realities.
I took the opportunity to introduce the Coffee Party USA movement which falls perfectly in line with the tenets of my book as well as with many of the frustrations I heard in the callers of today’s program, the callers I received yesterday on my program Politics Done Right, and on simply speaking to Americans across the country of all stripes and classes. There is in fact a mindset developing that it is in fact time for the middle class, the folks that really built this country to take it back.
The middle class is not asking for hand outs. They want the opportunity to earn and they want to enjoy a standard of life they have earned. The issue today is wealth is no longer earned, it is mostly inherited or attained through the machinations of a corrupt body politic and a corrupt form of capitalism that produces nothing but reaps the fruits and labor of the middle class.
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