I think America gets it. The fact is polls show that the Occupy Movement has twice the support as the Tea Party movement does.
Unfortunately Republicans in Congress have not gotten the memo that Americans want the Presidents Job bill. Last night they virtually killed jobs for over 400,000 teachers. Did they not get elected claiming they would create jobs?
While a President cannot win an election on successful foreign policy during a depression, I think he can leverage it. He must show that where he is in complete control, the executive runs foreign policy almost unhindered by Congress constitutionally, he has been successful. He has been unsuccessful in domestic policies that would have created jobs because of an intransigent congress. As such, re-elect President Obama with a new congress void of Right Wing unpatriotic selfish immoral obstructionist that are destroying the country.
Tea Party Economics Illustrated
October 20, 2011 7:51 am ET
Tweet: Tea Party Economics Illustrated http://bit.ly/mZK2Ib
Tea Party Economics [tee pahr-tee ek-uh-nom-iks]
1. Laying off Americans who keep our country running, like teachers, cops and firefighters.
2. Letting our roads, bridges, and schools crumble.
May also refer to:
3. Urging small businesses to stop hiring people.
4. Threatening America with default and economic catastrophe by refusing to pay our nation’s bills.
"Trickle down" economics didn’t work. Tea Party economics doesn’t work either.
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