Occupy Kingwood week 17 was successful and continuing. We had yet another very well attended Occupy with several first timers. I doubled up on the donuts because I anticipated given the previous week a continued increasing turnout. What is funny is that the donut line was long so I was there longer than expected when Dr. Theis called wanting to know where the hell I was. He was happy when the German cream donuts were included in the mix.
We had several walkers stop by and talk for a short bit. They were all cordial and most were supportive. We had two actually parking their cars and coming to address us directly. I think they were surprised that we were not a bunch of anarchistic unemployed nuts but well informed professionals, business owners, and students. They even agreed with us on most of the issues when explained with facts and not the fallacies of Republican spin and rhetoric.
The ability of having access to the Internet to prove points in real time is important and effective for those really looking for the truth and not just a reason to be willfully ignorant. I am increasingly impressed with how many of our neighbors have pulled the wool from over their heads and wanting to engage. These are not folks that are aiming to be Democrats. These are people wanting the truth.
As one of our members found out in a test call bank, most of Kingwood is now calling themselves independents. They are embarrassed to be called Republicans though many are not ready to align with Democrats unless they earn their trust with kept promises and substantive results. It is imperative that through our deeds we create the truthful narrative of what really ails America and what we intend to do to fix it. It is imperative that those that are Democrats ensure that their platform is lived up to and not the 1% corporatism of Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats.
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