Saturday 12:00 Noon Central/1:00 PM Eastern
Listen And Chat <Here> at your computer or smartphone “Are Middle Class Issues Biased Toward Liberalism? Is there A Conflict Between Middle Class Issues and Conservatism?” Coffee Party USA is a trans-partisan group. We want to hear every point of view. Over the last several months I have been the Noon Eastern Time poster at the Coffee Party Main Facebook Page. Most of the issues I post are middle class centric issues. This has created an interesting dilemma. All the policies that I blog about that would decidedly benefit the middle class seem to have their origin or support in today’s liberal base. As such many have wondered if the Coffee Party has become just another Liberal advocacy group. The answer to that is a categorical no. We simply follow the truth. I am only one voice within the Coffee Party. There are many other voices as well. While I am a Liberal Democrat, our board of directors is comprised of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents that reflect the country. We encourage all to participate and if you have an objection to any of the views expressed then call in to my show or any other one of our shows, offer to write factual pieces for Coffee Party, or comment accordingly. I am dedicating this Saturday’s radio show Politics Done Right (12 Noon Central) to this issue. Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Liberals, and Conservatives please call in. Let’s have a healthy civil discussion. We will have some of the board of directors on air. Please call me at (646)929-2495 let us discuss these issues. I want to hear and discuss ALL points of views. Listen And Chat Here at your computer or smartphone Join My Coffee Party Group LIKE My Facebook Page |
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