Mitt Romney should be ashamed of himself. In an appeasement to the Right Wing he made the most subliminally hateful statement the head of any ticket could make because of its implications.
I was always against Mitt Romney based on policy. In fact I have always said he was a good family man. Absent his devotion to vulture capitalism and laissez faire capitalism which is inbred in him, I thought he was a good person.
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Demands for Mitt Romney’s Medical History Records
Mitt Romney’s mental health is suspect. He has several blatantly false ads running that relate to Medicare, Welfare-to work, and business.
Regarding Medicare, see Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan’s Medicare Hypocrisy – Robert Schlesinger (usnews.com)
Mitt Romney’s blatant lies in his various Medicare ads are nothing short of breathtaking, amazing, incredible: Insane.
Then, there’re the Welfare-to-work ads that have been running for several weeks. Romney falsely claims that Obama has gutted (or ended) work requirements for Americans receiving welfare benefits. See Mitt Romney Welfare Ad Repeats False Claim. These bald-faced, shameless lies are nothing short of breathtaking, amazing, incredible: Insane.
And there are the numerous ads and claims by Romney and his anti-Christ followers that Obama said and meant that a businessman/woman does not create his or her own business, when Romney (and the Satanic-Republicans) take this out of the context of what Obama was saying – which is that teachers, family, government infrastructure and services, the Internet, and other factors also help businesses succeed.
We know that Romney is a bully. He assaulted a fellow student in high school and cut his hair off.
He reportedly impersonated Michigan State troopers.
He strapped his dog to the roof of his automobile.
He blatantly lied about where he filed his income taxes – and went back and retroactively dated tax documents.
He lied about when he left Bain Capital – and he went back and retroactively dated documents related to when he left that company.
Mitt Romney is a relentless, bald-faced liar, a sociopath, a thing without a conscious: the devil.
We need to see Mitt Romney’s Medical History Records – and see when and where he has received therapy and counseling for his deviant and anti-social behavior.