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What should we expect from the Biden/Ryan debate? Substantive Differences.

We should all be excited to see the Biden/Ryan debate tonight. While President Obama made a calculated effort not to confront Mitt Romney, it helped both Romney’s and his favorability numbers substantially. As I stated before, the president will never present himself as an attack dog on stage for various reasons. For those who want a very confrontational president on the next debate, they will likely be left disappointed. He will address issues but he will not attack Romney as Romney attacked him with fact absent rhetoric.

I believe Joe Biden as a part of the administration will temper any desire to be confrontational or negative. I think he will try to be matter of fact with the two directions these two leaders are offering for the country. Where Paul Ryan attempts to sugar coat the bitter pill that is the Romney/Ryan plan, the Vice-president will likely pressure him to clarify. If Ryan does not, the Vice President will likely be happy to do it in his own narrative.

This is an election that neither side must squander. If you love our country and you believe in Democracy we should cherish this contrast. Neither is wrong or right. They are just different. I personally find one direction immoral, but if that is the type of country we want it is something we must vote for. We really have an opportunity to decide the role of government “we the people” in our lives.

A few weeks ago I wrote “Two Visions For America – Opportunity for Equal Access or Access to Privatized Pilfering Of Middle Class”. In that post I said

The stage is set. It is Obama/Biden versus Romney/Ryan. I could easily begin this post with attacks on Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. I have tons of opposition research on every single one of these candidates. The reality is that none of this matters now. Every commercial you hear now on both sides is irrelevant to those who are simply willing to read two documents. President Obama’s “Blueprint For An America Built To Last” and Paul Ryan’s Path To Prosperity A Blueprint For American Renewal , while very political documents, they define the framework of the solutions these four candidates want to impose on our country with our consent via the vote.

I would urge you to read both the post and the candidate’s plan for America. Be sure to understand the ramifications of each. Analyze what is best for you and your family irrespective of your party affiliation. Vote for the candidate that supports what will be best for your family as ultimately that is what will be best for the entire country in the aggregate.

My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom

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